12 Weeks

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Guided Projects

100 Days

Cloud Lab Access





Course Overview

Home All Courses Certification Course in Deep Learning & AI by CloudxLab

Certification Course in Deep Learning & AI by CloudxLab

Explore the magic behind self-driving cars, Netflix's recommendations, and more with Machine Learning. This transformative technology, fueled by advanced research, algorithms, and the wealth of Big Data, is reshaping our world. It unifies once-specialized domains, impacting data analysis, software engineering, and artificial intelligence.

Our specialized program caters to Machine Learning enthusiasts, offering hands-on experience in real-world problem-solving using machine learning and deep learning. After completion, you'll possess the skills to build facial recognition robots and extract valuable insights from data. Join the Machine Learning revolution, and discover limitless opportunities in a world where learning meets innovation.

(4.75K) 75K+ Learners
10+ Projects 100 Days Cloud Lab Access
Estimated 11.5M new Data Science jobs(US)
Avg. Salary of over $84000 in Data Science roles
High demands in Tech, Finance, E-Commerce, Healthcare
Highly transferable mainstream skills

Program Highlights

Key Highlights

12+ Weeks of Live Instructor Led Learning
10+ Projects
Placement Assistance
100 Days of Lab Access
10+ Tools Covered
Doubt Clearing all weekdays
Email & Discussion Forum Support
Lifetime Access to Course Material
Certificate From CloudxLab
Hands-on Practice in Cloud Labs

Book Counselling Session


Next Batch Starting on 21st Feb 2025

What is the certificate like?

  • About Cloudxlab

    Cloudxlab is a team of developers, researchers, and educators who build innovative products and create enriching learning experiences for users. Cloudxlab upskills engineers in deep tech to make them employable & future-ready.

    Our courses and certifications are well recognized in the industry. With our expert instructors, excellent course content, real-time projects from the industry, and versatile gamified learning environment, we aim to give you the best in technology education and propel your career

Hands-on Learning

hands-on lab
  • Gamified Learning Platform
    Making learning fun and sustainable

  • Auto-assessment Tests
    Learn by writing code and executing it on lab

  • No Installation Required
    Lab comes pre-installed softwares and accessible everywhere

  • Accessibility
    Access the lab anywhere, anytime with an internet connection

Mentors / Faculty

Instructor Sandeep Giri

Sandeep Giri

Founder at CloudxLab

Past: Amazon, InMobi, D.E.Shaw

Instructor Praveen

Praveen Pavithran

Co-Founder at Yatis

Past: YourCabs, Cypress Semiconductor

Instructor Jatin Shah

Sandeep Akode

Senior Software Engineer at CloudxLab

IIT Kanpur

Instructor Sachin Giri

Sachin Giri

Software Engineer at CloudxLab

Instructor Shubh Tripathi

Shubh Tripathi

ML Engineer at ClodudxLab

Instructor Gajender Singh

Gajender Singh

Instructor at CloudxLab


Python for Machine Learning

1. Programming Tools and Foundational Concepts
1 Introduction to Linux
2. Python Foundations
3. Hands-on using Jupyter on CloudxLab
4. Overview of Linear Algebra
5. Introduction to NumPy and Pandas

Course on Deep Learning

1. Introduction to Artificial Neural Networks
1. From Biological to Artificial Neurons
2. Implementing MLPs using Keras with TensorFlow Backend
3. Fine-Tuning Neural Network Hyperparameters
2. Training Deep Neural Networks
1. The Vanishing / Exploding Gradients Problems
2. Reusing Pretrained Layers
3. Faster Optimizers
4. Avoiding Overfitting Through Regularization
5. Practical Guidelines to Train Deep Neural Networks
3. Custom Models and Training with Tensorflow
1. A Quick Tour of TensorFlow
2. Customizing Models and Training Algorithms
3. Tensorflow Functions and Graphs
4. Loading and Preprocessing Data with Tensorflow
1. Introduction to the Data API
2. TFRecord Format
3. Preprocessing the Input Features
4. TF Transform
5. The TensorFlow Datasets (TDFS) Projects
5. Convolutional Neural Networks
1. The Architecture of the Visual Cortex
2. Convolutional Layer
3. Pooling Layer
4. CNN Architectures
5. Classification with Keras
6. Transfer Learning with Keras
7. Object Detection
6. Recurrent Neural Networks
1. Recurrent Neurons and Layers
2. Basic RNNs in TensorFlow
3. Training RNNs
4. Deep RNNs
5. Forecasting a Time Series
6. LSTM Cell
7. GRU Cell
7. Natural Language Processing
1. Introduction to Natural Language Processing
2. Creating a Quiz Using TextBlob
3. Finding Related Posts with scikit-learn
4. Generating Shakespearean Text Using Character RNN
5. Sentiment Analysis
6. Encoder-Decoder Network for Neural Machine Translation
7. Attention Mechanisms
8. Recent Innovations in Language Models
8. Autoencoders and GANs
1. Efficient Data Representations
2. Performing PCA with an Under Complete Linear Autoencoder
3. Stacked Autoencoders
4. Unsupervised Pre Training Using Stacked Autoencoders
5. Denoising Autoencoders
6. Sparse Autoencoders
7. Variational Autoencoders
8. Generative Adversarial Networks
9. Reinforcement Learning
1. Learning to Optimize Rewards
2. Policy Search
3. Introduction to OpenAI Gym
4. Neural Network Policies
5. Evaluating Actions: The Credit Assignment Problem
6. Policy Gradients
7. Markov Decision Processes
8. Temporal Difference Learning and Q-Learning
9. Deep Q-Learning Variants
10. The TF-Agents Library
Weeks of Online Live Classes
Days of Lab Access


Enroll Now

Starting at  249/month


Program Fee: 999

Batch 2

(09 Sept 2024)

Admission Closed

Batch 3

(21st Feb 2025)

Enroll Now

Placement Assistance

By CloudxLab

Placement Eligibility Test

Placement Eligibility Test

We have around 300+ recruitment partners who will be interviewing you based on your performances in PET

Dedicated Job Portal

Dedicated Job Portal

Opportunities from companies who approach us asking for our learner profiles will be posted on our job portal to providevisibility to your profile

Career Guidance Webinars

Career Guidance Webinars

Career Guidance Webinars from seasoned industry experts

