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Data can be inserted into a table in many ways.
insert into table_name ( field1, field2,...fieldN )
( value1, value2,...valueN );
Insert statement example:
insert into deptt (depname,depcity, depstreet,depopendate)
values('Accounts','Bengaluru','Daker Street',NOW());
select last_insert_id();
insert into deptt (depname,depcity, depstreet,depopendate)
values('HR','Delhi','Baker Street',NOW());
select last_insert_id();
insert into deptt (depname,depcity, depstreet,depopendate)
values('Finance','Mumbai','Laker Street',NOW());
select last_insert_id();
A value inside 'values' expression can be a SELECT statement as well.
insert into deptt (depname,depcity, depstreet,depopendate)
VALUES('Finance','Mumbai',(SELECT ... FROM <some_table>),NOW());
In above SQL, department street is being selected from some other table and is inserted into department table.
Whole 'values' clause can also be replaced with SELECT from a table which is essentially copying data from a table into another.
insert into deptt(depname,depcity, depstreet,depopendate) SELECT depname,depcity, depstreet,depopendate FROM deptt;
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