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Export of data may be needed to have a backup of the data or to migrate data from one database to another.
Exporting Data with the SELECT ... INTO OUTFILE Statement
select * from emp into outfile '/tmp/emp.txt';
The output format can be customized. For example, to get the output file in CSV format with CRLF-terminated lines, use below code:
select * from emp into outfile '/tmp/emp.txt'
fields terminated by ',' enclosed by '"'
lines terminated by '\r\n';
Exporting Tables using mysqldump program
mysqldump program is used to dump data into files either in raw data format or in create/insert statements format.
$ mysqldump [options] db_name [tbl_name ...]
$ mysqldump [options] --databases db_name ...
$ mysqldump [options] --all-databases
Exporting as Raw Data
Below command will export data of emp and deptt tables from retail_db database into /tmp directory into files emp.txt and deptt.txt, and will write 'create table' statements into files emp.sql and deptt.sql.
mysqldump -u sqoopuser -p --tab=/tmp retail_db emp,deptt
If --no-create-info option is used, then 'create table' statements files are not created as shown below.
mysqldump -u sqoopuser -p --tab=/tmp retail_db emp,deptt
Exporting as Create/Insert statements
Done using mysqldump but without --tab option.
Exporting certain tables:
Below will export the tables into a file which will have 'create table' statements for the tables and 'insert' statements for the data.
mysqldump -u sqoopuser -p retail_db emp,deptt > emp_dump.txt
Exporting whole database:
mysqldump -u sqoopuser -p retail_db > retail_db_dump.txt
Exporting all databases:
mysqldump -u sqoopuser -p --all-databases > all_database_dump.txt
Copying Tables or Databases to Another Host
Export into a dump file from source database:
mysqldump -u sqoopuser -p retail_db emp,deptt > tables_dump.txt
Import the dump into target database:
Create database retail_db_new before hand on target server.
mysql -u sqoopuser -p retail_db_new < tables_dump.txt
Export / Import directly without intermediate dump file
If you have access to a remote MySQL database from source database server, then you can directly copy databases/tables from current server to a remote server over the network without creating any dump file.
mysqldump -u sqoopuser -p retail_db | mysql -h remote-host.com retail_db_new
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