Enrollments closing soon for Post Graduate Certificate Program in Applied Data Science & AI By IIT Roorkee | 3 Seats Left

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Get the detail of MySQL server using "My Lab" tab. Look at the MySQL credentials tab on the lab details page (https://cloudxlab.com/my-lab#mysql-credentials)

Check the MySQL: Connect

mysql -h cxln2.c.thelab-240901.internal -u sqoopuser -pNHkkP876rp

Select the sqoopex database

use sqoopex;

Check the MySQL: Explore The table in MySQL using

select * from widgets;

Exit mysql

Import - It might ask for password. Keep the password

sqoop import --connect jdbc:mysql://cxln2.c.thelab-240901.internal/sqoopex --table widgets -m 2 --hive-import --username sqoopuser -P --hive-database sqoop_testing --split-by id

Start hive

use sqoop_testing;
select * from widgets;

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