Enrollments closing soon for Post Graduate Certificate Program in Applied Data Science & AI By IIT Roorkee | 3 Seats Left
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# Copy sales.log locally hadoop fs -copyToLocal /data/hive/sales.log # Launch hive using the command: hive # Please use your own database use sg; # Create Hive Table: CREATE TABLE sales_test(widget_id INT, qty INT, street STRING, city STRING, state STRING, zip INT, sale_date STRING) ROW FORMAT DELIMITED FIELDS TERMINATED BY ','; # Find the location of your table using: describe formatted sales_test; # Load Data: LOAD DATA LOCAL INPATH "sales.log" INTO TABLE sales_test; # Select rows to see data: select * from sales_test;
#TO launch mysql: mysql -h cxln2.c.thelab-240901.internal -u sqoopuser -pNHkkP876rp #Create MYSQL Table: use sqoopex; CREATE TABLE sales_sgiri(widget_id INT, qty INT, street varchar(100), city varchar(100), state varchar(100), zip INT, sale_date varchar(100));
# Sqoop Export: using your own database and table sqoop export --connect jdbc:mysql://cxln2.c.thelab-240901.internal/sqoopex -m 1 --table sales_sgiri --export-dir /apps/hive/warehouse/sg.db/sales_test --input-fields-terminated-by ',' --username sqoopuser --password NHkkP876rp; # Go back to the MySQL prompt and check use sqoopex; select * from sales_sgiri;
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