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divs = LOAD '/data/NYSE_dividends' AS (exchange, stock_symbol, date, dividends);
grped = GROUP divs BY stock_symbol;
DUMP grped;
avged = FOREACH grped GENERATE group, AVG(divs.dividends);
STORE avged INTO 'avged';
ls avged
Upon doing ls avged
, we could see something as follows:
grunt> ls avged
hdfs://cxln1.c.thelab-240901.internal:8020/user/vagdevi4768/avged/_SUCCESS<r 3> 0
hdfs://cxln1.c.thelab-240901.internal:8020/user/vagdevi4768/avged/part-v001-o000-r-00000<r 3> 1863
Then, we can see the contents of the file part-v001-o000-r-00000
as follows:
cat avged/part-v001-o000-r-00000
grunt> divs = LOAD '/data/NYSE_dividends' AS (exchange, stock_symbol, date, dividends);
grunt> describe divs
divs: {exchange: bytearray,stock_symbol: bytearray,date: bytearray,dividends: bytearray}
After loading, divs
basically represent a dataset in which each row is having two columns exchange
and stock_symbol
grunt> grped = GROUP divs BY stock_symbol;
grunt> describe grped;
grped: {group: bytearray,divs: {(exchange: bytearray,stock_symbol: bytearray,date: bytearray,dividends: bytearray)}}
contains rows where each row is having two columns/fields. first one is the group name and second is a list of divs.
grunt> avged = FOREACH grped GENERATE group, AVG(divs.dividends);
grunt> describe avgedavged: {group: bytearray,double}
has some number of rows as grped
just the values in the second column are aggregated using AVG
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