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Important Note - We recommend you to execute the given commands on Hive Console instead of Hue. The video is only for representational purposes.
Let us create an external table in hive. First copy the data from /data/NYSE_daily
to your home directory in HDFS. The syntax for creating external table is same as managed tables, just that we add an "external" keyword the and LOCATION keyword to define the path of underlying data. Copy the command as displayed on the screen and paste it in Hive query editor. Please note that for external tables, the warehouse will be located at the location provided in LOCATION keyword.
Click on execute and wait for the table to get created. To see the low-level metadata, type describe formatted nyse_external
and click on execute. As you can see, the warehouse is located at the NYSE_daily directory in your home directory in HDFS. Also, the table type is EXTERNAL.
When we drop an external table, underlying data does not get deleted. Let's verify it. Type drop table nyse_external
to drop the table and click on execute. Now go to NYSE_daily directory in your home directory in HDFS and you can see that the file is still there.
We can also create AWS S3 based external tables in the hive. Please note that we need to provide AWS Access Key ID and Secret Access Key to create S3 based external table
External tables describe the metadata on the external files. External table files can be accessed and managed via processes outside the Hive.
Use Case- External tables are used when the files are present in remote locations. The files remain intact even if we drop the table.
Login to the web console
Copy NYSE data from HDFS to your local
hadoop fs -copyToLocal /data/NYSE_daily
Launch Hive with typing in hive
on console
Use your own database by using the below command. ${env:USER}
gets replaced by your username automatically:
use ${env:USER};
Create an external table nyse_external
using below command
exchange1 STRING,
symbol1 STRING,
price_open FLOAT,
price_high FLOAT,
price_low FLOAT,
price_close FLOAT,
volume INT,
price_adj_close FLOAT
LOCATION '/user/${env:USER}/NYSE_daily';
To see more low-level details, type below command
To drop the external table type
DROP TABLE nyse_external;
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