Hive - Load JSON Data

Important Note - We recommend you to execute the given commands on Hive Console instead of Hue. The video is only for representational purposes.

To load JSON data in Hive we use JSON serde. Serde represents Serializer-deserializer. When we load JSON data in Hive, JSON serde converts the JSON data into the tabular format. JSON serde JAR is located at /data/serde directory in HDFS. Before creating the table, add the serde JAR in Hive query editor with ADD JAR JAR_PATH command. Now you can create the table using the syntax displayed on the screen. Please note the ROW FORMAT. Unlike previous examples, fields are not terminated by tab or comma.



  • Load JSON file from your home folder in HDFS to Hive
  • Login to the web console. Run the below commands in the web console.
  • Copy /data/sample_json from HDFS to your home folder in HDFS. $USER gets replaced by your username automatically:

    hadoop fs -cp /data/sample_json /user/$USER
  • Check the content of the sample_json directory.

    hadoop fs -ls /user/$USER/sample_json
  • It contains the file user_country.json. Check the last few lines of the file. Please note that each row in the file contains JSON.

    hadoop fs -tail /user/$USER/sample_json/user_country.json
  • Launch Hive by typing hive in the web console. Run the below commands in the hive.

  • Add JSON-SERDE JAR using below command:

    ADD JAR hdfs:///data/serde/json-serde-1.3.6-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar;
  • Use your database. ${env:USER} gets replaced by your username automatically:

    use ${env:USER};
  • To create the table use the following command. Replace YOUR_USER_NAME with your cloudxlab username

    CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE user_countries(
        name string,
        country string
    LOCATION 'hdfs:///user/${env:USER}/sample_json';
  • Select rows from user_countries table

    select * from user_countries;

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