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1 Chapter Overview - YARN
2 YARN - Why?
3 YARN - We need to process 1 million images. Processing includes reading...
4 YARN - We need to process 1 million images. Processing includes reading...
5 YARN - Evolution from MapReduce 1.0
6 YARN - In mapreduce 1.0, who is the manager of shop floor?...
7 YARN - Which one not an advantage of YARN?...
8 YARN - You could run the services that run forever using Hadoop...
9 YARN - If a task tracker goes down during processing of a...
10 YARN - In mapreduce 1.0, who performs the actual task?...
11 YARN - Which one is not a component of YARN?...
12 YARN - Architecture
13 YARN - The client interacts with Which component of YARN first?...
14 YARN - Which of the following components of YARN run forever?...
15 YARN - Who acts like the client?...
16 YARN - Who enforces the security constraints on the users workfload?...
17 YARN - Who runs the workload?...
18 YARN - An application can have multiple containers?...
19 Yarn - More On Architecture
20 YARN - The life cycle of application can vary but it can...
21 YARN - The resource request to resource manager of YARN does not...
22 YARN - Resources
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