Project - Stock Closing Price Prediction using Deep Learning, TensorFlow2 & Keras

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Exploring YAHOO data

Let us explore the data.

  • Let us use describe() to view statistical-details about the data.

  • Also, let us see if there are any null values in each column of the data using isnull().sum().


  • describe() is a method used on a data frame to view the statistical description of the numerical columns in the data frame.

  • isnull() method returns True in the places where there are null values(or missing values) and False if the values are not nulls.

  • isnull().sum() displays column-wise information about the number of nulls found in each column of the data frame.

  • Use describe method on the df_yahoo data frame to view the statistical description of the numerical columns in the data frame.

    df_yahoo.<< your code comes here >>
  • Use isnull().sum() on the df_yahoo data frame to view if there are any null values in each column of the data frame.

    df_yahoo.<< your code comes here >>

    We see that there are no missing values in the YAHOO dataset, which apparently indicates a good state of our data.

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