Project - How to Deploy an Image Classification Model using Flask

10 / 15

Creating the Templates Directory

As discussed earlier, we will now create the templates directory.

This directory is recognized to contain the HTML files by Flask.

In the subsequent slides, we will further see how to create layout.html, index.html, and upload.html files inside this templates directory.


  • We can create a new directory named myDir by using the command mkdir myDir.

  • We can change to the directory named myDir by using the command cd myDir.

  • This templates directory should be created inside the Image-Classification-App directory. So make sure you are in the directory Image-Classification-App. You could check your present working directory using the command:


    This command should output the path:


    If the path displayed is not the same as the above, switch to the Image-Classification-App using

    cd ~
    cd Image-Classification-App
  • Now, create a new directory named templates using the mkdir command.

  • Change to the directory templates using cd command.

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