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GitHub is a platform where we can share our code, keep track of changes, version control and collaborate with our teammates.
This enables us to keep the working versions of the source code safe, while experimenting for further development.
As the new features or development comes in, we can add those changes to github and continue working on the code.
Github also has extended support for deployment over various platforms such as Heroku, AWS,
Come back to your CloudxLab console visible in the right-side section, and go to your project directory.
Run git init
to initialize a git repository inside your project.
Then, add the current project directory to git using the command git add .
Use git status
to see the files which are going to be committed by you.
Now commit it - along with a message - using the command git commit -m "first commit"
. Here -m indicates the message.
Use the git remote add origin << your repo link comes here >>
We could check the path again, using git remote -v
. Make sure the path which is visible here is the same as the one which was earlier copied.
Push the project repo into GitHub using git push -u origin master
Now go to the repository you created on the GitHub page and refresh the page. All the files and folders in our project will appear there.
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