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if you already knows about python and jupyter you can start this video from the 20th minute. hope it helps!!
housing["income_cat"] = pd.cut(housing["median_income"], bins=[0., 1.5, 3.0, 4.5, 6., np.inf], labels=[1, 2, 3, 4, 5])
bins means we are dividing the data in that perticular pack but in this question multiple value of bins I am not getting please explain it somebody.
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1 Solution
2 End-to-End ML Project - Introduction
3 End to End ML Project - Import the libraries
4 End to End ML Project - Load the dataset
5 End to End ML Project - Explore the dataset
6 End to End ML Project - Split the dataset
7 End-to-End ML Project - Visualize the geographic distribution of the data
8 End to End ML Project - Create a correlation matrix
9 End to End ML Project - Fill in the missing data
10 End to End ML Project - Handling categorical attributes
11 End to End ML Project - Creating custom transformer
12 End to End ML Project - Creating transformation pipelines
13 End to End ML Project - Train a Decision Tree model
14 End to End ML Project - Train a Random Forest model
15 End to End ML Project - Fine tune your model with Cross Validation
16 End to End ML Project - Fine tune your model with Grid Search
17 End to End ML Project - Analyze and evaluate best model
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if you already knows about python and jupyter you can start this video from the 20th minute. hope it helps!!
1 Upvote Sharehousing["income_cat"] = pd.cut(housing["median_income"],
bins=[0., 1.5, 3.0, 4.5, 6., np.inf],
labels=[1, 2, 3, 4, 5])
bins means we are dividing the data in that perticular pack but in this question multiple value of bins I am not getting please explain it somebody.
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