Online Bookstore Management System

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Pre-requisite for the Project

To undertake the Online Bookstore Management System project, the following prerequisites are recommended:

  1. Python Programming: Students should have a solid understanding of the Python programming language, including knowledge of data types, variables, control structures (such as loops and conditionals), functions, and object-oriented programming concepts.
  2. Web Development: Familiarity with web development technologies is beneficial. Students should have a basic understanding of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to create the frontend interface of the bookstore management system. Additionally, knowledge of a web framework like Django will be useful for backend development.
  3. Relational Databases and SQL: It is essential to have a basic understanding of relational databases and SQL (Structured Query Language).
  4. Version control systems: Students should know how to create repositories, commit changes, and collaborate with others using Git. This will help in managing and tracking project code and facilitate teamwork.

Note:- It is highly recommended to work on the Online Bookstore Management System project on your personal system instead of using our cloud lab. This approach provides you with greater flexibility and a real-world development environment, allowing for a more comprehensive and practical learning experience.

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