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Applied Tags : Linear Regression

  • Topic
    9 Concepts | 14 Questions | 15 Assessments | 2,533 Learners

    Welcome to this project on the Forecasting Bike Rentals with DecisionTreeRegressor, LinearRegression, RandomForestRegressor using scikit-learn. In this project, you will use Python and scikit-learn to build models using the above-mentioned algorithms, and apply them to forecast the bike rentals.

    Forecasting is a regression problem, which is a highly demanded skill in the real world. This exercise enables you to understand the basic workflow to solve a regression problem, which includes data preprocessing and data modeling steps. You will understand how Pandas and scikit-learn, in association with Python, could be used to solve a machine learning problem end-to-end project. In addition …

    Instructor: Sandeep Giri