Enrollments closing soon for Post Graduate Certificate Program in Applied Data Science & AI By IIT Roorkee | 3 Seats Left
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1 Convolutional Neural Network - Session 01
2 Convolutional Neural Network - Session 02
3 Project - Classify clothes using TensorFlow
4 CNN MCQ - Convolution neural network need more memory than DNNs
5 CNN MCQ - What is the effect of making CNN's deeper?
6 CNN MCQ - CNN can detect multiple instances of a feature in an image?
7 CNN MCQ - A 5x5 filter is applied on an RGB image of size 1028x1028
8 CNN MCQ - 30 filters of size 3x3 are applied on a feature map of shape 300 * 300 * 10
9 CNN MCQ - No padding is added in a VALID padding
10 CNN MCQ - Maxpools is used for
11 CNN MCQ - CNN don’t use back-propogation during inference
12 CNN MCQ - Training needs more memory than inference
13 CNN MCQ - Transfer training is faster than training from scratch
14 CNN MCQ - A 1080x1080 black and white image also includes data from a UV channel. The shape of the image will be
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