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Scala - Variable Examples

Scala variables may or may not be any specific data type.

Scala allows variables to be defined in 2 ways - Immutable and mutable.

The value must be assigned at the time of declaring the variable whose value can not be changed later.
This type of variable is defined using val.
Example - val x = 5
Executing below to try to change the value of the variable will give an error.
x = 6

The value must be assigned at the time of declaring the variable but value can be changed later.
This type of variable is defined using var.
Example - var y = 9
Executing below to try to change the value of the variable will not give any error.
y = 10

More examples:

//without any data type
var x = 5

//with any data type of integer
var y:Int = 5

//with any data type of string
var z:String = "5"

//with any data type of char
var m:Char = 'a'

String literal has to be quoted in double quotes and single character has to be quoted in single quotes.

Multiple assignments

Scala supports multiple assignments. If a code block or method returns a Tuple (Tuple ? Holds collection of Objects of different types), the Tuple can be assigned to a val variable.


val (myVar1: Int, myVar2: String) = (40, "Foo")

No hints are availble for this assesment

Answer is not availble for this assesment

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