Spark Project - Log Parsing

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Problem 3 -

Write spark code to find out top 5 time frames of least traffic (which day of the week or hour of the day receives least traffic, this information will help the company to do production deployment in that time frame so that less number of users will be affected if something goes wrong during deployment)

Sample Output-

timeFrame          req_cnt

03/Aug/1995:04     16
03/Aug/1995:09     22
03/Aug/1995:05     43
03/Aug/1995:10     57
03/Aug/1995:07     58

Note - If you are stuck, please take inspiration from this solution by one of our students.

Question - Which one of the below does not come in the top 5 timeframes of least traffic?

Note - Having trouble with the assessment engine? Follow the steps listed here

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