Project - Building Cat vs Non-Cat Image Classifier using NumPy and ANN

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Cat vs Non-cat Classifier - Defining some utility functions - Initializing Weights

The weights matrix should be of size (1,12288) so that the transpose matrix of the weights would be of shape (12288,1).

Since the shape of our dataset is (12288,209), it would satisfy the equation,X).

So, let us now aim to initialize our weight matrix with some random numbers and bias vector with 0s.


  •,b) calculates the dot product of the two vectors a and b.
  • np.random.seed(0) makes sure that the same set of random numbers are generated, no matter how many times the code is run.
  • Using np.random.rand, we could generate a matrix of any given shape filled with some random numbers ranging in [0, 1).

    Eg, if we wish to create a 3-dimensional NumPy array containing random numbers and of shape (2,2,2), we could do that by:

    random_3d_array = np.random.rand(2,2,2)
  • Create a weight matrix using np.random.rand to get a matrix of shape (dim,1), filled with random numbers between 0 and 1.

    def initialize_weights(dim):
        w = << your code comes here >>(dim, 1)
        b = 0    
        return w, b
  • For example, we could get a 2-dimensional weight matrix and bias vector as follows. Call the initialize_weights function and store the returned weights and biases in w and b.

    dim = 2
    w, b = initialize_weights(dim)
    print("Weights: ",w)
    print("Biases: ", b)
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