Image Stitching using OpenCV and Python (Creating Panorama Project)

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Stitching the Images

And finally comes the last part, the stitching of the images.

We shall place the left image on the dst whose shape is left-image width plus right-mage width.

Then, we shall save the resultant file - the final stitched panorama image - and display it.


cv2.imwrite method saves the given image as a file with the given name.

  • We are placing the left image on the dst whose shape is left-image width plus right-mage width.

    dst[0:img_left.shape[0], 0:img_left.shape[1]] = img_left
  • Now let us store the resultant stitched image dst as resultant_stitched_panorama.jpg using imwrite method of cv2.

    cv2.<< your code comes here >>('resultant_stitched_panorama.jpg',dst)
  • Let us display the stitched image using plt.imshow.

    plt.title('Stitched Image')
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