Salesforce Vlocity Training Certification

Salesforce Vlocity Training Certification

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The most popular piece of technology on the Salesforce platform, which is the top supplier of software and industry-specific solutions, is Salesforce Vlocity. Salesforce Vlocity Training focuses on producing experts who aren't just able to handle the platform but build solutions to keep their respective companies as well as their careers way ahead of the competition.

Various components of Salesforce Vlocity

• Vlocity Insurance: In this case, Vlocity processes every part of the insurance using a microservices architecture. Financial Service Cloud is designed to integrate with Vlocity Insurance.

• Vlocity Media& Entertainment– Here, it contains a holistic industry solution over advertising sales and subscriber sales to empower customer and owner interactions.

• Vlocity Communications– It contains Industry Cloud for Communications that helps in achieving consistent and personalized customer experience.

• Vlocity Health: It is a dedicated component, organisations may manage all of the areas pertaining to the healthcare industry here.

• Vlocity Energy & Utilities deals with a variety of applications that are industry-specific and enable the sale of numerous commodities and non-commodities as well as other services.