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Let us have a complete picture of our new VGG16 model.
We could view that using the summary()
method on the vgg_base
and vgg_model.
Also, we could visualize them using plot_model
, a Keras utility. Let's see how!
Note: Make sure to execute these code lines in separate code cells of your notebook for better visualization experience.
View the architectural summary of the pre-trained model(without the top dense layers), which is our vgg_base
, by using vgg_base.summary()
as below.
Import plot_model
from tensorflow.keras.utils
from tensorflow.keras.utils import << your code comes here >>
Use the plot_model
imported above to graphically visualize the architecture of pre-trained vgg_base
<< your code comes here >>(vgg_base, show_shapes=True, show_layer_names=True)
Here, show_shapes=True
is used to display the shape of input and output tensors for each layer in the model.
is used to display the layer names.
Similarly, let us view the architectural summary of our custom model built on top of the pre-trained VGG model, which is our vgg_model
Use summary()
on vgg_model
to view its summary.
Use the plot_model
to graphically visualize the architecture of pre-trained vgg_model
<< your code comes here >>(vgg_model, show_shapes=True, show_layer_names=True)
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