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1 Cats vs Non-cats using Transfer Learning - What is Transfer Learning?
2 Cats vs Non-cats using Transfer Learning - Why Transfer Learning?
3 Cats vs Non-cats using Transfer Learning - How do we do Transfer Learning?
4 Cats vs Non-cats using Transfer Learning - What are we going to do now?
5 Cats vs Non-cats using Transfer Learning - The VGG16 Model
6 Cats vs Non-cats using Transfer Learning - Workflow
7 Cats vs Non-cats using Transfer Learning - Import the Modules
8 Cats vs Non-cats using Transfer Learning - Importing the Modules
9 Cats vs Non-cats using Transfer Learning - Load the Data
10 Cats vs Non-cats using Transfer Learning - Loading the data
11 Cats vs Non-cats using Transfer Learning - Explore the Data
12 Cats vs Non-cats using Transfer Learning - Visualize the Data
13 Cats vs Non-cats using Transfer Learning - Shape of the data
14 Cats vs Non-cats using Transfer Learning - Get Pre-Trained VGG16 Model
15 Cats vs Non-cats using Transfer Learning - Getting Pre-Trained VGG16 base model
16 Cats vs Non-cats using Transfer Learning - Customize the VGG16 Model
17 Cats vs Non-cats using Transfer Learning - Customizing VGG16 base model
18 Cats vs Non-cats using Transfer Learning - Compile the VGG16 model
19 Cats vs Non-cats using Transfer Learning - Train the Top Layers of the VGG16 model
20 Cats vs Non-cats using Transfer Learning - Training the Top Layers of the VGG16 model
21 Cats vs Non-cats using Transfer Learning - Evaluate the Model
22 Cats vs Non-cats using Transfer Learning - Evaluating the VGG16 model on test data
23 Cats vs Non-cats using Transfer Learning - Visualize the Model
24 Cats vs Non-cats using Transfer Learning - Visualizing the model
25 Cats vs Non-cats using Transfer Learning - Is dropout used on the test set?
26 Cats vs Non-cats using Transfer Learning - Which of the follwoing hyperparameter you could fine-tune in transfer learning?
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