Project- How to build low-latency deep-learning-based flask app

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Installing the Necessary Packages for model sever and Creating requirements.txt

Let us now install the necessary packages for our model server and create requirements.txt.

  • We would use pip to install the packages. pip is a package-management system used to install and manage software packages.

  • A requirements.txt file is where we mention the details of all the packages - along with their corresponding versions - which are used to create the project.


  • We could create file requirements.txt with the list of all the packages - along with their corresponding versions - which are used in the project using the following command:

    pip freeze > requirements.txt
  • Once we have requirements.txt file, we could use it in the future to install all the packages listed in that file by using the command:

    pip install -r requirements.txt

    Creating requuirements.txt file is very important in every real-case scenario because this helps us have a record of all the packages and their versions used for any software developed.


Note: The following steps might take a bit of time. These packages are said to be successfully installed if the console displays any message like Successfully installed ... after each package installation.

  • Make sure to be inside the Model-Server-Folder which is inside Flask-ZMQ-App-Folder. We could switch to Model-Server-Folder using

    cd ~/Flask-ZMQ-App-Folder/Model-Server-Folder
  • Make sure to activate the virtual environment model-env. We could activate it using

    source model-env/bin/activate
  • Let us just have a look at the modules installed, if any, in our virtual environment model-env that we just created.

    pip freeze

    We could see there are no modules as of now, since this is a new virtual environment that is created just now, and we haven't yet installed any modules till now. We shall now proceed to install the necessary packages for our model server.

  • Install ZMQ package of version 0.0.0 as follows:

    pip install zmq==0.0.0
  • Install the tensorflow package of version 1.14.0 as follows.

    python -m pip install --upgrade setuptools
    pip install --no-cache-dir  --force-reinstall -Iv grpcio==1.11.0
    pip install tensorflow==1.14.0
  • Install protobuf version 3.17.3

    pip install protobuf==3.17.3
  • Install the pillow package of version 6.2.2 as follows, for working with images(like loading the images which we would see later).

    pip install pillow==6.2.2
  • Now create the requirements.txt file as follows:

    pip freeze > requirements.txt
  • If we do ls in the console, we could see model-env and requirements.txt inside the Model-Server-Folder.

  • If you are facing any issues related to the disk quota, please follow the instructions mentioned here.

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