Welcome to this project on NYSE Closing Price Prediction. In this project, you will use Pandas, Keras, and Python in order to build a predictive model and apply it to predict the closing prices.
Time-series modeling has a huge demand in today's numbers-filled world. It has a wide variety of applications in sales s forecasting, prediction of meteorological elements like rainfall, economic forecasting in the financial worlds, and many more.
In this exercise, we shall understand how to predict stock market closing prices for a firm using GRU, a state-of-art deep learning algorithm for sequential data. We shall focus …
Welcome to this project on Image Classification with Pre-trained Keras models. This project aims to impart the knowledge of how to access the pre-trained models(here we get pre-trained ResNet model) from Keras of TensorFlow 2, and appreciate its powerful classification capacity by making the model predict the class of an input image.
Understanding the pre-trained models is very important because this forms the basis of transfer learning. one of the most appreciated techniques to perform the classification of a different task thus reducing the training time, the number of iterations, and resource consumption. Learning about the pre-trained models and …
Welcome to this project on the Neural Style Transfer. In this project, you will use TensorFlow 2 to generate an image that is an artistic blend of a content image and style image.
Neural Artistic Style Transfer finds a wide range of applications to fancily modify images. This field has so much influenced the technical world that many apps, such as Prisma, have received great craze amongst the users. In recent days, decent work has also been done in this area, which served as a holy grail to our project. The heart of this capability is the convolutional neural network …
Welcome to this project on Sentiment Analysis using TensorFlow 2. This project aims to impart an understanding of how to process English sentences, apply NLP techniques, make the deep learning model understand the context of the sentence, and classify the sentiment the sentence implies.
Our real-world is being flooded with a lot of reviews all around us. Be it an online shopping mart, movie reviews, offline market, or anything else. It has become very common for us to rely on these reviews. Hence it would be really helpful for a Machine Learning aspirant to understand various techniques related to processing …
Welcome to this project on Classifying Flowers in Iris dataset with Deep Neural Network using Keras. In this project, you will use Python and Keras to build a Deep Neural Network, and apply it to predict the classes of Flowers in the Iris dataset.
Keras is one of the most extensively used APIs in the world of Deep Learning. It provides an amazing developer-friendly deep learning framework to build deep learning models with wide-ranging features to support high scalability, because of which it is not only widely used in academics but also in organizations to build state-of-the-art research models. In …
Welcome to the project on How to build low-latency deep-learning-based flask app. In this project, we will refactor the entire codebase of the project [ How to Deploy an Image Classification Model using Flask][1]. That monolithic code will be refactored to form two microservices - the flask service and model service. The model service acts as a server that renders pretrained Tensorflow model as a deep learning API, and keeps listening for any incoming requests. The flask service requests the model service, and displays the response from the model server. This way, we write cleaner code and promote service isolation.
Further …