Welcome to this project on Churning the Emails Inbox with Scala. In this project, you will use Scala to access the data from files and process it to achieve certain tasks. You will explore the MBox email dataset, and use Scala to count lines, headers, subject lines by emails and domains. Know your way on how to work with data in Scala.
Skills you will develop:
Welcome to the project on Yolov4 with OpenCV for Object Detection. In this project, we will learn how to use a YOLOv4 network pretrained on the MSCOCO dataset for object detection.
Object detection has applications in various fields, from home automation to self-driving computers. YOLOv4 is one of the recent state-of-art object detection models. This project provides an overview of how to use a YOLOv4 pretrained model.
This project uses the face_recognition
library in Python to find a celebrity look-alike from a picture that you upload.
The face_recognition
library, which is built using dlib’s state-of-the-art face recognition
built with deep learning, is considered one of the simples libraries used for face recognition and manipulation. The model has an accuracy of 99.38% on the Labeled Faces in the Wild benchmark. With this library you can find faces, find and manipulate facial features, and identify faces in pictures. You can also use this library with other Python libraries to do real-time face recognition.
For more information on the face_recognition
library, you can view their official page from here.
Welcome to this project on Autoencoders for MNIST Fashion. In this project, we will understand how to implement Autoencoders using TensorFlow 2.
We will be understanding how to practically implement the autoencoder, stacking an encoder and decoder using TensorFlow 2. We will also depict the reconstructed output images by the autoencoder model.
Skills you will develop:
TensorFlow 2