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Guided Projects

Free Guided Projects

  • Project - Stock Closing Price Prediction using Deep Learning, TensorFlow2 & Keras

    Deep Learning Python Tensorflow 2 Keras Pandas Predictive Model Data Processing GRU Free Guided Project

    14 Concepts | 18 Assessments | 608 Learners

    Welcome to this project on NYSE Closing Price Prediction. In this project, you will use Pandas, Keras, and Python in order to build a predictive model and apply it to predict the closing prices.

    Time-series modeling has a huge demand in today's numbers-filled world. It has a wide variety of applications in sales s forecasting, prediction of meteorological elements like rainfall, economic forecasting in the financial worlds, and many more.

    In this exercise, we shall understand how to predict stock market closing prices for a firm using GRU, a state-of-art deep learning algorithm for sequential data. We shall focus on data cleaning and data modeling to build a predictive model for stock market closing prices.

    Skills you will develop:

    • Keras
    • Pandas
    • Data Processing
    • Python
    • Deep Learning
  • Python Tensorflow 2 Keras Image Classification Transfer Learning Free Guided Project

    14 Concepts | 2 Questions | 10 Assessments | 362 Learners

    Welcome to this project on Cat vs Non-cat Classifier using Transfer Learning. In this project, you will use Python and Keras to apply the Transfer Learning technique in order to build an image classifier, and apply it to predict the class of an input image - whether it is a cat or a non-cat.

    Deep Learning is computationally intensive, often demanding powerful computational resources to yield reasonable accuracies in the real world. The idea of Transfer Learning has become a boon for the computer vision and deep learning community as it has reduced the hunger of Deep Learning algorithms for powerful hardware resources. In addition, Transfer Learning has made it possible to yield impressive results within a short amount of time, even with fewer data. Upon completing this project, you will understand the pragmatic application of the transfer learning technique using Keras, and you will be able to appreciate its salient features.

    Skills you will develop:

    • Transfer Learning
    • Keras
    • Python Programming
    • Tensorflow
  • Project - Building Cat vs Non-Cat Image Classifier using NumPy and ANN

    Python Numpy Image Classification Machine Learning H5PY Free Guided Project

    11 Concepts | 2 Questions | 19 Assessments | 1,179 Learners

    Welcome to this project on the Numpy - Cat vs Non-cat Classifier with Logistic Regression using Numpy. In this project, you will use Python and Numpy to build a Logistic Regression Classifier from scratch, and apply it to predict the class of an input image - whether it is a cat or a non-cat.

    Though we have a lot of ready-made APIs like scikit-learn and Keras to build Machine Learning and Deep Learning models, it is very essential for a Machine Learning enthusiast to clearly understand the hidden mechanism behind the working of ML models. Upon completing this project, you will understand the pragmatic application of various Numpy functions with a clear picture of workflow in an end-to-end Machine Learning project.

    Skills you will develop:

    1. Numpy
    2. Python Programming
    3. H5py files
    4. Machine Learning
  • Project - Predicting Titanic Passenger Survival using Machine Learning and Python

    Python scikit-learn Pandas Data Processing Machine Learning Predictive Modelling Free Guided Project

    7 Concepts | 2 Questions | 12 Assessments | 1,050 Learners

    Welcome to this project on the Titanic Machine Learning Project with Support Vector Machine Classifier and Random Forests using scikit-learn. In this project, you will use Python and scikit-learn to build SVC and random forest, and apply them to predict the survival rate of Titanic passengers.

    Data preprocessing is one of the most prominent steps to make an effective prediction model in Machine Learning, and it is often a best practice to use data preprocessing pipelines. In this exercise, you will also learn how to build your custom data transformers and chain all these data pre-processing steps using scikit-learn pipelines.

    Skills you will develop:

    1. Data Preprocessing Pipelines
    2. Data Transforming
    3. Python Programming
    4. Pandas
    5. Predictive modeling
    6. Machine Learning
    7. Scikit-learn
  • Project - Churn Emails Inbox with Python

    Python File Handling Free Guided Project

    4 Concepts | 6 Assessments | 5,294 Learners

    Welcome to this project on Churning the Emails Inbox with Python. In this project, you will use Python to access the data from files and process it to achieve certain tasks. You will explore the MBox email dataset, and use Python to count lines, headers, subject lines by emails and domains. Know your way on how to work with data in Python.

    Skills you will develop:

    1. Python
    2. File Handling in Python