Self-Join means joining of a table with itself.
We will create a self-join table based on 'emp_<
So, if we want to display employee name followed by employee's manager name in same rows, then self-join has to be used.
select e.empid, concat(e.empfname,' ',e.emplname) "employee", e.mgrempid, concat(m.empfname,' ',m.emplname) "manager"
from emp_<<your lab username>> e, emp_<<your lab username>> m
where e.mgrempid = m.empid
order by 1,2
All the above joins are called Inner joins where there will be output only if columns in WHERE clause have matching data in both tables. In above output, empid 1 is not displayed because it doesn't have any manager.
select * from emp_<<your lab username>> where empid = 1;
So, how to display record for that employee sans manager detail? We could use Outer Joins, about which we will learn next!
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