SQL with Jupyter Notebook Tutorial

19 / 61

Filtering - WHERE clause

To select the rows meeting only certain criteria, use WHERE clause.


SELECT col1,col2 FROM table1 WHERE conditon1 AND/OR condition2 .....
SELECT col1,col2 FROM table1 WHERE (col1='123' and col2='456') OR col3='4';


  • Equal to: A = B
  • Not equal to: A != B
  • Greater than: A > B
  • Less than: A < B
  • Greater than or equal to: A >= B
  • Less than or equal to: A <= B
  • Between 2 values including the values: BETWEEN A and B
  • Like (contains): A like %aker%

Insert some sample data:


insert into emp_<<your lab username>> (empfname, emplname, depid, doj, empsal,mgrempid)
insert into emp_<<your lab username>> (empfname, emplname, depid, doj, empsal,mgrempid)
insert into emp_<<your lab username>> (empfname, emplname, depid, doj, empsal,mgrempid)
insert into emp_<<your lab username>> (empfname, emplname, depid, doj, empsal,mgrempid)
insert into emp_<<your lab username>> (empfname, emplname, depid, doj, empsal,mgrempid)
insert into emp_<<your lab username>> (empfname, emplname, depid, doj, empsal,mgrempid)
insert into emp_<<your lab username>> (empfname, emplname, depid, doj, empsal,mgrempid)

Filter the data based on some conditions as shown below:

select * from emp_<<your lab username>> where empfname = "Beck";
select * from emp_<<your lab username>> where empsal > 2300;
select * from emp_<<your lab username>> where empsal between 2400 and 2600;

All these operators can be used on the number as well as strings. When needed, numbers are implicitly converted into strings before comparison.

select * from emp_<<your lab username>> where depid=4;

The below gives all the records whose empfname values have ck:

select * from emp_<<your lab username>> where empfname like '%ck%';

This 'where' clause can be used in insert/update/delete statements too.

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