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Foreign Key
If we want to have column1 of table1 as a foreign key of table2, then column1 should be a key in table1.
So let us alter the deptt_<<your lab username>>
table to have depid
as primary key of that table:
alter table deptt_<<your lab username>> add primary key (depid);
Now let us create table emp_<<your lab username>>
with foreign key which references the depid
of deptt_<<your lab username>>
use retail_db;
drop table if exists emp_<<your lab username>>;
create table emp_<<your lab username>>(
empid int not null auto_increment,
empname varchar(100) not null,
depid int not null,
mgrempid int,
primary key ( empid ),
foreign key (depid) references deptt_<<your lab username>>(depid) on delete restrict
ON DELETE RESTRICT -> It prevents delete from parent table if records are present in the child table. Above example gives system named constraint.
Referential keys can also be added after the table creation if not added in the table creation statement.
show create table emp_<<your lab username>>;
Observe that a constrain named emp_<<your lab username>>_ibfk_1
is visible by running the above command. This constrain name is given by the MySQL itself.
Now if we want to drop that foreign key, we can do so using that constrain name, as follows:
alter table emp_<<your lab username>> drop foreign key emp_<<your lab username>>_ibfk_1;
We can also create a foreign key after defining a table, as follows:
alter table emp_<<your lab username>>
add constraint fk_emp_depid
foreign key (depid) references deptt_<<your lab username>>(depid);
In the above, fk_emp_depid
is a user named constraint. Let us again view the table:
show create table emp_<<your lab username>>;
Self-referencing Foreign Key
It is a foreign key which refers to another column in same table. For example, data of employees and their managers have to be kept in the same table as all are employees only at the end. At the same time, to represent manager for each employee, we have a column 'mgrempid' which is employee id of the manager. This column will refer to 'empid' of the same table which will have full details of the manager as an employees.
alter table emp_<<your lab username>>
add constraint fk_emp_mgrempid
foreign key (mgrempid) references emp_<<your lab username>>(empid);
Observe that the primary key empid
is being self-referenced here.
Let us again view the table:
show create table emp_<<your lab username>>;
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