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SQL with Jupyter Notebook Tutorial

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Updating data in a table

Values of one or more columns of a table can be updated with the 'update' command to store new required values.


update table_name SET field1 = new_value1, field2 = new_value2
[where Clause]

See all the records in your deptt_<<your lab username>> table:

select * from deptt_<<your lab username>>

Update the 'Laker Street' to 'Maker Street'.


update deptt_<<your lab username>>
set depstreet = 'Maker Street' where depstreet = 'Laker Street';
select * from deptt_<<your lab username>> ;

The following is another eample of update, in which we change the values of date and depstreet where depcity is Delhi.


update deptt_<<your lab username>>
set depopendate = STR_TO_DATE('20170610','%Y%m%d'), depstreet = 'Saker Street' where depcity = 'Delhi';
select * from deptt_<<your lab username>> ;

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