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SQL with Jupyter Notebook Tutorial

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ALTER Command

ALTER command can be used to add/modify definition of various aspects of database and its objects.


Dropping, Adding or Repositioning a Column:

  • --drop existing column
    alter table test_tbl  drop column_name;
    --add the same column at the end of the table
    alter table test_tbl add column_name datatype;
  • --drop existing column
    alter table test_tbl drop column_name;
    --add the same column at top of the able
    alter table test_tbl add column_name datatype first;
  •  --drop existing column
    alter table test_tbl drop column_name;
    --add same column at after column c
    alter table test_tbl add i datatype after c;

Changing a Column Definition or a Name:

--change datatype
alter table test_tbl modify col1 char(10);

--change column name
alter table test_tbl change col1 col1new bigint;

--change datatype
alter table test_tbl change col1new col1new int(1);

--setting the default value
alter table test_tbl modify i bigint not null default 100;

Changing a Column's Default Value:

--setting a default value of a column
alter table test_tbl column_name set default 1000;

--remove the default value of a column
alter table test_tbl alter column_name drop default;

Changing a Table Type:

--change the db engine type for a given table
alter table test_tbl type = myisam;

Renaming a Table:

--rename a table
alter table test_tbl rename to alter_tbl;

Let us add pincode column (which should have 6 digits) at the first of the table.

alter table deptt_<<your lab username>> add pincode int(6) first ;
select * from deptt_<<your lab username>>;

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