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Task 1: Complete the statement to plot the correlation matrix between all the features and the dependent variable.
import statsmodels.graphics.correlation as pltcor
arr = bikesData.drop('dayWeek', axis = 1)
cols = list(arr)
arr = arr.as_matrix()
arr = preprocessing.scale(arr, axis = 1)
corrMat = np.corrcoef(arr, rowvar =0)
np.fill_diagonal(corrMat, 0)
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(9,9))
pltcor.plot_corr(corrMat, xnames = cols, ax = ax)
Observation: The correlation plot is dominated by the strong correlations between many of the features.
For example, date-time features are correlated, as are weather features.
There is also some significant correlation between date-time and weather features. This correlation results from seasonal variation (annual, daily, etc.) in weather conditions.
There is also strong correlation between the count feature and several other features.
Action: It is clear that many of these features are redundant with each other, and some significant pruning of this dataset is in order.
Task 2: Complete the statement to calculate correlation among these variables: 'yr', 'mnth', 'isWorking', 'xformWorkHr', 'dayCount', 'temp', 'hum', 'windspeed', 'cntDeTrended'
columnToPlotScatter = ['yr','mnth','isWorking','xformWorkHr','dayCount','temp','hum','windspeed','cntDeTrended']
arry = bikesData[columnToPlotScatter].as_matrix()
arry = preprocessing.scale(arry, axis = 1)
corrs = np.corrcoef(arry, rowvar = 0)
np.fill_diagonal(corrs, 0)
col_nms = list(bikesData)[1:]
fig = plt.figure(figsize = (9,9))
ax = fig.gca()
pltcor.plot_corr(corrs, xnames = columnToPlotScatter, ax = ax)
Observation: Correlation plot for a subset of features confirms our understanding that several features are redundant.
We should not be confused between correlation and causation - A highly correlated variable may or may not imply causation
Any feature highly correlated with the dependent variable may not be a good predictor.
Action: We can consider only one datetime feature and one weather feature for training the dataset eventually.
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