Project - Bike Rental Forecasting

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End to End Project - Bikes Assessment - Analyzing dataset - Scatter Matrix

Scatter Matrix

Task: Complete the statements to plot the scatter matrix for these columns: ['temp', 'hum', 'windspeed', 'hr', 'xformHr', 'cntDeTrended']


        columnToPlotScatter = ['temp','hum','windspeed','hr','xformHr','cntDeTrended']
        from pandas.plotting import scatter_matrix
        scatter_matrix(bikesData[columnToPlotScatter], figsize=(12,8))

*Observations: *

  1. There seems to be a clear trend of generally-decreasing bike demand with increased humidity. However, at the low end of humidity, the data is sparse and the trend is less certain. We will need to proceed with care.

  2. Also, the scatter plot shows some relation between bike demands versus temperature. However, the complex behavior exhibited is a warning that we may have trouble modeling this feature.

*Action: *

  1. Validating our previous observation, 'temp' can be a good feature to train the data.

  2. 'hum' can also be explored.

  3. 'windspeed' can be comfortably ignored while training the data.

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