Project - Bike Rental Forecasting

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End to End Project - Bikes Assessment - Analyzing dataset - Box Plots

Box plots

Task: Complete the statement to include these box plots and in this order: ['hr', 'mnth', 'weathersit', 'isWorking', 'dayWeek', 'xformHr']


        colstoBoxPlot = ['hr','mnth','weathersit','isWorking','dayWeek','xformHr']

        for cols in colstoBoxPlot:
            fig = plt.figure(figsize=(4,4))
            ax = fig.gca()
            bikesData.boxplot(column=['cntDeTrended'], by = [cols], ax = ax)
            plt.xlabel('Box Plot of bike detrended counts by '+str(cols))
            plt.ylabel('Number of bikes')

Observations: From these plots, we can observe the likely predictive power of categorical features.

  • Significant and complex variation in hourly bike demand can be seen in hr feature and xformHr. (this behavior may prove difficult to model)

  • In contrast, it looks doubtful that weather situation (weathersit), mnth, dayWeek or isWorking is going to be very helpful in predicting bike demand, despite the relatively high correlation value observed previously.

  • The result shown in ‘dayWeek’ boxplot is surprising — we expected bike demand to depend on the day of the week.

  • Once again, the outliers at the low end of bike demand can be seen in the box plots.


  • Hr and xformHr can be a good datetime feature to train the model on

  • Outlier observation shall be acted upon during the fine-tuning of the model.

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