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1 Apache Spark ecosystem walkthrough
2 Apache Spark - What is not true about Apache spark?...
3 Apache Spark - What are advantages of using spark?...
4 Apache Spark - If you already have Apache Hadoop cluster setup, you can...
5 Apache Spark - If you need to process data continuously, which library you...
6 Apache Spark - If you need to provide a graph NoSQL storage, you...
7 Apache Spark - Spark does not provide API in which language?...
8 Apache Spark - Which of the following tasks are not possible using Apache...
9 Spark Introduction - Why Spark?
10 Apache Spark - Why is Spark faster than Hadoop?...
11 Apache Spark - Which of the following list is in increasing order in...
12 Getting Started with Spark using CloudxLab
13 Getting Started with Spark - Cluster Installation (optional)
14 Apache Spark - The command for running scala spark interactive shell is:...
15 Apache Spark - The command for talking to Spark using R with the interactive shell on CloudxLab is
16 Apache Spark - Which of the following is not a valid spark shell?...
17 Apache Spark - In Spark 1.x, which objects are provided by the spark-shell...
18 Apache Spark - In Spark 2.x, which objects are provided by the spark-shell...
19 Apache Spark - Whatever command you run on spark-shell or pyspark, they are...
20 Apache Spark - Which of the following is scala code thats reads data...
21 Apache Spark - Which of the following is python code thats reads data...
22 Apache Spark - For running something unattended, which command would you use?...
23 Spark Introduction - What is RDD
24 Apache Spark - The fullform of RDD is...
25 Apache Spark - Which of the following is not true about RDD?...
26 Apache Spark - In case we are creating RDD using sc.textFile(), what does...
27 Apache Spark - In case, we are creating RDD using sc.parallelize(Array(1,2,3,4)), what would...
28 Apache Spark - An RDD is not analogous to:...
29 Apache Spark - Each partition is maintained and processed by:...
30 Apache Spark - The work interacting with Spark Applications is done by:...
31 Apache Spark - When we launch an spark-shell or pyspark, it also launches:...
32 Apache Spark - We can modify an RDD?...
33 Apache Spark - Creating RDD
34 Apache Spark - Which of the following is not a way of creating...
35 Apache Spark - Is this method of creating rdd correct: val myrdd =...
36 Apache Spark - To get first 10 elements of an rdd myrdd, which...
37 Apache Spark - Counting Word Frequencies
38 Apache Spark - Wordcount with spark-shell (scala spark shell)
39 Apache Spark - Transformations - map & filter
40 Apache Spark - The operations provided on RDD are classified as:...
41 Apache Spark - What is not true about transformations?...
42 Apache Spark - The argument to map and filter is a function....
43 Apache Spark - What is not true about map transformations?...
44 Apache Spark - We can not implement the following with map:...
45 Apache Spark - Is this a good way to find elements starting with...
46 Apache Spark - We can not implement the following with filter:...
47 Apache Spark - If the following code returned true, someop was fiter or...
48 Apache Spark - Actions - take & saveTextFile
49 Apache Spark - What is not true about action?...
50 Apache Spark - What is not true about saveAsTextFile(arg)?...
51 Apache Spark - Lazy Evaluation & Lineage Graph
52 Apache Spark - Which of the following has lazy evaluation?...
53 Apache Spark - Which of the following gets executed immediately?...
54 Apache Spark - Which of the following gets executed lazily?...
55 Apache Spark - In the following code, which statements would get evaluated: 1....
56 Apache Spark - What is not true about lazy evaluation?...
57 Apache Spark - More Operations - Transformations & Actions
58 Apache Spark - Which one is equivalent of Hadoop's map phase?...
59 Apache Spark - Which one can be emulated with flatMap()?...
60 Apache Spark - The number of records in various transformations- M&FM
61 Apache Spark - The number of records in various transformations - F&M
62 Apache Spark - To concatenate two RDDs, we use:...
63 Apache Spark - Which one of these are not executed in distributed fashion?...
64 Apache Spark - Reduce, Commutative & Associative
65 Apache Spark - The reduce function can not be used to compute which...
66 Apache Spark - Which function is not commutative?...
67 Apache Spark - Which function is not associative?...
68 Apache Spark - Which statement about the function passed to reduce in case...
69 Apache Spark - Problem Solving - Compute Average
70 Apache Spark - Slides
71 Apache Spark - More RDD Operations
72 Apache Spark - More RDD Operations - Slides
73 More RDD Ops - Does sample transformation involve sorting?...
74 More RDD Ops - If you want to process the whole partition, which function...
75 More RDD Ops - To order data in an RDD, which function do we...
76 More RDD Ops - On what basis does sortBy transformation orders the data?...
77 More RDD Ops - What is the role of the third argument numPartitions of...
78 More RDD Ops - Can we sort key-value RDD or PairRDD using sortBy function?...
79 More RDD Ops - Is every RDD a set by default?...
80 More RDD Ops - What does union transformation do?...
81 More RDD Ops - What transformation to use to find common elements between two...
82 More RDD Ops - If we need have two RDDs, adjectives = ["good", "bad"]...
83 More RDD Ops - If we need to reduce an RDD into a value...
84 More RDD Ops - There is an RDD r having numbers. Which of the...
85 More RDD Ops - There is an RDD r having decimal numbers. Which one...
86 More RDD Ops - If we have to find count of each unique word...
87 More RDD Ops - If you want to process each record of an RDD...
88 More RDD Ops - Say, we want to persist records of an RDD into...
89 More RDD Ops - Does top(n) action involve shuffling?...
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