Linux Basics

99 / 107

Permissions - setting setuid

You can make a program setuid by giving s instead of x permission. If you have written a script, an example would be:

chmod +s
  1. Start creating file with the name in /tmp directory:

    nano /tmp/whoownsit_$

    Note: If your user name is sandeep1234, the filename would be

  2. Put the following content in the editor in the previous step:

  3. Save it by pressing Ctrl+x and press y

  4. Give it setuid permission:

    chmod +sx /tmp/whoownsit_$
  5. Check if you have given correct permission by

    ls -l /tmp/whoownsit_$

It should display something like this in permissions: rwsrwsr-x

Note: setuid doesn't work in shell scripts. Please see

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