Install Python packages on CloudxLab

In this blog post, we will learn how to install Python packages on CloudxLab.

Step 1-

Create the virtual environment for your project. A virtual environment is a tool to keep the dependencies required by different projects in separate places, by creating virtual Python environments for them. Login to CloudxLab web console and create a virtual environment for your project.

First of all, let’s switch to python3 using:-

export PATH=/usr/local/anaconda/bin:$PATH

Now let’s create a directory and the virtual environment inside it.

$ mkdir my_project
$ cd my_project
$ python -m venv venv

Step 2-

To begin using the virtual environment, it needs to be activated:

$ . venv/bin/activate

Remember the dot “.” at the starting of the above command. The name of the current virtual environment will now appear on the left of the prompt (e.g. (venv)[your_username@cxln4 ~]$:my_project$) to let you know that it’s active. From now on, any package that you install using pip will be placed in the venv folder.

Step 3- 

Install packages as usual

$ pip install requests
$ pip install flask

Step 4-

If you are done working in the virtual environment you can deactivate it:

$ deactivate

Next time when you want to use the same virtual environment, go to your project directory and activate the virtual environment

$ cd my_project
$ . venv/bin/activate

Launching Jupyter Notebook inside your virtual environment

You can also launch jupyter notebook inside your virtual environment. For that, you need to follow the below steps:-

Step 1-

First of all, activate your virtual environment.

cd my_project
. venv/bin/activate

Step 2-

Install jupyter notebook using the following command

pip install jupyter

Step 3-

Add your virtual environment to the jupyter.

python -m ipykernel install --user --name=venv

Step 4-

Now go to Jupyter Homepage at Click on “New”. There you will be able to see a kernel with the name of your virtual environment (venv). Launch notebook with that kernel.

Now you can use jupyter notebook in your virtual environment.