Writing Custom Optimizer in TensorFlow Keras API

Recently, I came up with an idea for a new Optimizer (an algorithm for training neural network). In theory, it looked great but when I implemented it and tested it, it didn’t turn out to be good.

Some of my learning are:

  1. Neural Networks are hard to predict.
  2. Figuring out how to customize TensorFlow is hard because the main documentation is messy.
  3. Theory and Practical are two different things. The more hands-on you are, the higher are your chances of trying out an idea and thus iterating faster.

I am sharing my algorithm here. Even though this algorithm may not be of much use to you but it would give you ideas on how to implement your own optimizer using Tensorflow Keras.

A neural network is basically a set of neurons connected to input and output. We need to adjust the connection strengths such that it gives the least error for a given set of input. To adjust the weight we use the algorithms. One brute force algorithm could be to try all possible combinations of weights (connections strength) but that will be too time-consuming. So, we usually use the greedy algorithm most of these are variants of Gradient Descent. In this article, we will write our custom algorithm to train a neural network. In other words, we will learn how to write our own custom optimizer using TensorFlow Keras.

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Conference on Computer Vision at Google Asia, Singapore

The deep learning algorithms and frameworks have changed the approach to computer vision entirely. With the recent development in computer vision with Convolutional Neural Networks such as Yolo, a new era has begun. It would open doors to new industries as well as personal applications.

After the successful bootcamps held at IIT Bombay, NUS Singapore, RV College of Engineering, etc, CloudxLab in collaboration with IoTSG and Google Asia conducted a successful conference on Understanding Computer Vision with AI using Tensorflow on May 11, 2019, at Google Asia, Singapore office.

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