Every day the world is advancing into the new level of industrialization and this has resulted in the production of a vast amount of data. And, at initial stages, people started considering it as a bane, but later they found out that it’s a boon. So, they started using this data in a productive way. Big data and machine learning are terminologies based on the concept of analyzing and using the same data. Let’s get into more details.
Continue reading “Big Data vs Machine Learning”CloudXLab is proud to sponsor RACE360 as a Technology Partner.
RACE360, an Emerging Technology Conference 2019 (Powered by The Times of India) is happening on Wed, Aug 28th at The Lalit Ashok, Bengaluru. It is presented by REVA University, Bengaluru (REVA Academy for Corporate Excellence (RACE)).
Continue reading “CloudXLab is proud to sponsor RACE360 as a Technology Partner.”Stages of Artificial Intelligence
The emergence of Artificial Intelligence has played an essential role in revolutionizing the technical industry. According to many people, Artificial Intelligence is something that makes their work easy; well, it is just one of the qualities of Artificial Intelligence.
What is Artificial Intelligence?
According to Wikipedia, Artificial Intelligence “is intelligence demonstrated by machines, in contrast to the natural intelligence displayed by humans.”
Artificial intelligence can be categorized into several stages, depending upon the role they play. In this article, we will go through all of these stages, including their real-world application.
Upskill your workforce in partnership with CloudxLab
Henry Ford (Founder of Ford Motor Company) once said- “The only worse thing than training your employees and having them leave is not training them and having them stay”.
Most organizations face this dilemma and sometimes choose not to upskill their workforce only to impede its own growth and relinquish opportunities of gaining competitive advantage. While organizations actively promoting workforce learning & development (L&D) often face indifferent employee behaviours to such initiatives. There are other concerns as well, such as- customised learning platforms, hands on learning, training quality, accreditation, post training support and what not……..
Fashion-MNIST using Deep Learning with TensorFlow Keras
A few months back, I had presented results of my experiments with Fashion-MNIST using Machine Learning algorithms which you can find in the below mentioned blog:
In the current article, I am presenting the results of my experiments with Fashion-MNIST using Deep Learning (Convolutional Neural Network – CNN) which I have implemented using TensorFlow Keras APIs (version 2.1.6-tf).
Continue reading “Fashion-MNIST using Deep Learning with TensorFlow Keras”Things to Consider While Managing Machine Learning Projects
Generally, Machine Learning (or Deep Learning) projects are quite unique and also different from traditional web application projects due to the inherent complexity involved with them.
The goal of this article is, not to go through full project management life cycle, but to discuss a few complexities and finer points which may impact different project management phases and aspects of a Machine Learning(or Deep Learning) project, and, which should be taken care of, to avoid any surprises later.
Below is a quick ready reckoner for the topics that we will be discussing in this article.
Continue reading “Things to Consider While Managing Machine Learning Projects”Conference on Computer Vision at Google Asia, Singapore
The deep learning algorithms and frameworks have changed the approach to computer vision entirely. With the recent development in computer vision with Convolutional Neural Networks such as Yolo, a new era has begun. It would open doors to new industries as well as personal applications.
After the successful bootcamps held at IIT Bombay, NUS Singapore, RV College of Engineering, etc, CloudxLab in collaboration with IoTSG and Google Asia conducted a successful conference on Understanding Computer Vision with AI using Tensorflow on May 11, 2019, at Google Asia, Singapore office.
Continue reading “Conference on Computer Vision at Google Asia, Singapore”Creating AI Based Cameraman
Whenever we have our live talks of CloudxLab, in presentations or in a conference, we want to live stream and record it. The main challenge that occurs is the presenter gets out of focus as the presenter moves. And for us, hiring a cameraman for three hours of a session is not a viable option. So, we thought of creating an AI-based pan and tilt platform which will keep the camera focussed on speaker.
So, Here are the step-by-step instructions to create such a camera along with the code needed.
Continue reading “Creating AI Based Cameraman”Regression with Neural Networks using TensorFlow Keras API
As part of this blog post, I am going to walk you through how an Artificial Neural Network figures out a complex relationship in data by itself without much of our hand-holding. You should modify the data generation function and observe if it is able to predict the result correctly. I am going to use the Keras API of TensorFlow. Keras API makes it really easy to create Deep Learning models.
Machine learning is about computer figuring out relationships in data by itself as opposed to programmers figuring out and writing code/rules. Machine learning generally is categorized into two types: Supervised and Unsupervised. In supervised, we have the supervision available. And supervised learning is further classified into Regression and Classification. In classification, we have training data with features and labels and the machine should learn from this training data on how to label a record. In regression, the computer/machine should be able to predict a value – mostly numeric. An example of Regression is predicting the salary of a person based on various attributes: age, years of experience, the domain of expertise, gender.
The notebook having all the code is available here on GitHub as part of cloudxlab repository at the location deep_learning/tensorflow_keras_regression.ipynb . I am going to walk you through the code from this notebook here.
Generate Data: Here we are going to generate some data using our own function. This function is a non-linear function and a usual line fitting may not work for such a function
def myfunc(x):
if x < 30:
mult = 10
elif x < 60:
mult = 20
mult = 50
return x*mult
Continue reading “Regression with Neural Networks using TensorFlow Keras API” Deploying Machine Learning model in production
In this article, I am going to explain steps to deploy a trained and tested Machine Learning model in production environment.
Though, this article talks about Machine Learning model, the same steps apply to Deep Learning model too.
Below is a typical setup for deployment of a Machine Learning model, details of which we will be discussing in this article.
![Process to build and deploy a REST service (for ML model) in production](https://blog.cloudxlab.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/04/Machine-Learning-Model-Deployment-1.png)
The complete code for creating a REST service for your Machine Learning model can be found at the below link:
Let us say, you have trained, fine-tuned and tested Machine Learning(ML) model – sgd_clf, which was trained and tested using SGD Classifier on MNIST dataset. And now you want to deploy it in production, so that consumers of this model could use it. What are different options you have to deploy your ML model in production?
Continue reading “Deploying Machine Learning model in production”