Upskill your workforce in partnership with CloudxLab

Henry Ford (Founder of Ford Motor Company) once said- The only worse thing than training your employees and having them leave is not training them and having them stay”.  

Most organizations face this dilemma and sometimes choose not to upskill their workforce only to impede its own growth and relinquish opportunities of gaining competitive advantage. While organizations actively promoting workforce learning & development (L&D) often face indifferent employee behaviours to such initiatives. There are other concerns as well, such as- customised learning platforms, hands on learning, training quality, accreditation, post training support and what not……..

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Things to Consider While Managing Machine Learning Projects

Generally, Machine Learning (or Deep Learning) projects are quite unique and also different from traditional web application projects due to the inherent complexity involved with them.

The goal of this article is, not to go through full project management life cycle, but to discuss a few complexities and finer points which may impact different project management phases and aspects of a Machine Learning(or Deep Learning) project, and, which should be taken care of, to avoid any surprises later.

Below is a quick ready reckoner for the topics that we will be discussing in this article.

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Conference on Computer Vision at Google Asia, Singapore

The deep learning algorithms and frameworks have changed the approach to computer vision entirely. With the recent development in computer vision with Convolutional Neural Networks such as Yolo, a new era has begun. It would open doors to new industries as well as personal applications.

After the successful bootcamps held at IIT Bombay, NUS Singapore, RV College of Engineering, etc, CloudxLab in collaboration with IoTSG and Google Asia conducted a successful conference on Understanding Computer Vision with AI using Tensorflow on May 11, 2019, at Google Asia, Singapore office.

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Deploying Machine Learning model in production

In this article, I am going to explain steps to deploy a trained and tested Machine Learning model in production environment.

Though, this article talks about Machine Learning model, the same steps apply to Deep Learning model too.

Below is a typical setup for deployment of a Machine Learning model, details of which we will be discussing in this article.

Process to build and deploy a REST service (for ML model) in production
Process to build and deploy a REST service (for ML model) in production

The complete code for creating a REST service for your Machine Learning model can be found at the below link:

Let us say, you have trained, fine-tuned and tested Machine Learning(ML) model – sgd_clf, which was trained and tested using SGD Classifier on MNIST dataset.  And now you want to deploy it in production, so that consumers of this model could use it. What are different options you have to deploy your ML model in production?

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Fashion-MNIST using Machine Learning

One of the classic problem that has been used in the Machine Learning world for quite sometime is the MNIST problem. The objective is to identify the digit based on image. But MNIST is not very great problem because we come up with great accuracy even if we are looking at few pixels in the image. So, another common example problem against which we test algorithms is Fashion-MNIST.

The complete code for this project you can find here :

Fashion-MNIST is a dataset of Zalando’s fashion article images —consisting of a training set of 60,000 examples and a test set of 10,000 examples. Each instance is a 28×28 grayscale image, associated with a label.

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One-on-one discussion on Gradient Descent

Usually, the learners from our classes schedule 1-on-1 discussions with the mentors to clarify their doubts. So, thought of sharing the video of one of these 1-on-1 discussions that one of our CloudxLab learner – Leo – had with Sandeep last week.

Below are the questions from the same discussion.

You can go through the detailed discussion which happened around these questions, in the attached video below.

One-on-one discussion with Sandeep on Gradient Descent
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Use-cases of Machine Learning in E-Commerce

What computing did to the usual industry earlier, Machine Learning is doing the same to usual rule-based computing now. It is eating the market of the same. Earlier, in organizations, there used to be separate groups for Image Processing, Audio Processing, Analytics and Predictions. Now, these groups are merged because machine learning is basically overlapping with every domain of computing. Let us discuss how machine learning is impacting e-commerce in particular.

The first use case of Machine Learning that became really popular was Amazon Recommendations. Afterwards, the Netflix launched a challenge of Movie Recommendations which gave birth to Kaggle, now an online platform of various machine learning challenges.

Before I dive deep into the details further, lets quickly brief the terms that are found often confusing. AI stands for Artificial Intelligence which means being able to display human-like intelligence. AI is basically an objective. Machine learning is making computers learn based on historical or empirical data instead of explicitly writing the rules. Artificial Neural networks are the computing constructs designed on a similar structure like the animal brain. Deep Learning is a branch of machine learning where we use a complex Artificial Neural network for predictions.

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How To Optimise A Neural Network?

When we are solving an industry problem involving neural networks, very often we end up with bad performance. Here are some suggestions on what should be done in order to improve the performance.

Is your model underfitting or overfitting?

You must break down the input data set into two parts – training and test. The general practice is to have 80% for training and 20% for testing.

You should train your neural network with the training set and test with the testing set. This sounds like common sense but we often skip it.

Compare the performance (MSE in case of regression and accuracy/f1/recall/precision in case of classification) of your model with the training set and with the test set.

If it is performing badly for both test and training it is underfitting and if it is performing great for the training set but not test set, it is overfitting.

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